Graston Technique

Graston Technique®

What is the Graston Technique®? 

Clinicians performing the Graston Technique® use a collection of six stainless steel instruments to separate and break down collagen cross-links, and to spread out and stretch connective tissue and muscle fibers. Used by trained healthcare professionals, the patented steel instruments enable detection of problems such as scarring or inflammation and make it easier for the practitioner to mobilize soft tissue. This patented technique was developed to address both acute and chronic conditions in athletes, and today it has become a valuable tool in speeding treatment and rehabilitation of soft-tissue injuries for a wide range of patients. By reducing inflammation, the Graston Technique® also can minimize the need for anti-inflammatory medications.


The six stainless steel instruments used by practitioners of the Graston Technique® provide a variety of concave and convex shapes that can be molded to different contours of the body. The tools help to identify and access affected areas, providing a firm point of pressure that can be controlled easily by the clinician. The application of precise pressure to specific areas of the patient’s body simplifies treatment and takes the stress off of the clinician’s hands while maximizing the effectiveness of soft-tissue pressure and penetration for the patient. This process also increases cellular activity in and blood flow through the affected area, aiding the healing process.


When is it useful?
The Graston Technique® is used to help remedy a range of issues including neck and back pain, plantar fasciitis, tendonitis (including tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow and jumper’s knee), tendonosis, facial restrictions, shin splints, carpal tunnel syndrome, joint pain, capsule adhesions and scar tissue, among others. Your clinician will assess your condition and recommend the best course of action for your situation.

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